Wednesday, May 11, 2022


This is kinda cool... but, for me, ultimately unnecessary. 

The reason I love and collect the Super7 Thundrcats figures is because we've never had a cartoon accurate line of Thundercats figures before, and it's something that's been sorely lacking for over 35 years.

These are obviously similar to what they are doing with their TMNT line where they are producing modern day versions of the original toys that (some of us) grew up with.

I understand toy companies needing and wanting to re-use old molds to maximize the value of the their investments, but let's be honest, most of the second time offerings pale in comparison to the original offerings. 

Ill be passing on these guys, but I do understand their appeal to collectors who loved their original LJN Thundercats figures and are excited to see these new figures. As for me, I'm more excited to see what Super7 has planned for a legit wave (6) of new Thundercats.

These are not up for pre-order yet, be will be soon.

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