Saturday, July 27, 2013


If this looked anything like Chloë Grace Moretz, I'd call this figure an absolute must buy. But since it does not, it falls under the heading of a disappointment. And I don't cal it that because it's a bad figure, I call it that because I'd love to own it, but if it doesn't look like the actress upon which the figure is based, then I just can't justify spending that kind of money.

It's a shame because, other than the face (when is Hit-Girl ever that happy looking??) this figure is rather brilliant looking.

Medicom RAH Kick-Ass 2 1/6 Scale 12" Hit-Girl Figure

Medicom RAH Kick-Ass 2 1/6 Scale 12" Hit-Girl FigureMedicom RAH Kick-Ass 2 1/6 Scale 12" Hit-Girl Figure

Medicom RAH Kick-Ass 2 1/6 Scale 12" Hit-Girl Figure

Medicom RAH Kick-Ass 2 1/6 Scale 12" Hit-Girl FigureMedicom RAH Kick-Ass 2 1/6 Scale 12" Hit-Girl Figure

Medicom RAH Kick-Ass 2 1/6 Scale 12" Hit-Girl Figure

Medicom RAH Kick-Ass 2 1/6 Scale 12" Hit-Girl Figure

Medicom RAH Kick-Ass 2 1/6 Scale 12" Hit-Girl Figure

She'll be out in February at a Yen price of Y22,000 (approx 220.00)

1 comment:

  1. I think this looks very much like Chloe Moretz--just a sort of idealized version of her. They've taken some of the pudginess out of her cheeks, and put her on a body that's too tall and thin, with a neck that's too long. But yup--that's definitely Chloe's face under that mask: the eyes, nose, chin shape, the mouth--all Chloe. Just the cheeks are thinner.

    Also, Hit Girl smiled a lot and it's a nice change of pace to get a female figure that doesn't have an empty mannequin expression on its face.
