Friday, March 11, 2022


Let the hunt begin!

It seems that Redditer puertotaino has found the GI Joe Classified Croc Master at his local Walmart in Riverdale, NJ.

This comes as somewhat of a surprise considering the fact that Amazon recently adjusted their shipping date on this figure from April to August. But, everything with toy release dates is crazy these days.

I know that the GI Joe team have said that they've asked retailers to hold back their release of upcoming figures until their entire order has been filled, rather than trickling it out a little at a time, as it comes in. They said the reason for this is that they don't want to cause alarm and frustration with collectors as some find small amounts and others can't find anything.

Obviously, this is all due to shipments of everything coming in behind schedule at the ports these days.

This might be (and probably is) a one-off mistake, like the recent Retro Carded 6" Baroness that accidentally got released ahead of schedule a few weeks ago, so I wouldn't go running to all of your local Walmarts just yet. 

If this is the actual release time for this figure and they start showing up everywhere, I'll be sure to let you know.

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