Friday, April 8, 2022


Well, here we go again! And, I'll say it again....

Pre-orders, pre-orders, pre-orders!

Not even a hint of when customers expect Wave 1 (which is probably at least six more months out) and we're expected to throw more money at Super7 for their Silverhawks (and Transformers, and GI Joe and so on and so on)line for another wave of figures.

The amount of hundreds of thousands of dollars that they have received at this point for years worth of upcoming product that even the first wave has not shipped yet is, honestly, staggering.

How much trust should people have in strangers and a company to deliver this much pre-order product with no recourse to do anything if they don't. Super7 clearly thinks that people should have 100% complete trust in them.

And, here's the stinger about all of this-- I love Super7's product! I buy a lot of it. If it's in stock, I buy it direct from them because I'd rather the company have the full retail than the secondary market sellers. But, they really, really, really need to get it together and start delivering on these Ultimates figures in a major way.  

Instead of it being normal for customers to receive a new wave of Ultimates on a regular and timely basis, it's like a damned celebration by buyers that they actually received something from Super7. Super7 has brainwashed people into thinking that their delivery time on their Ultimates series is a "gift" rather than a expected thing.

Alright, I'll stop there with my rant...

Here's the teaser image of Mo-Lec-U-Lar from Silverhawks.

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