Sunday, February 20, 2022


The good men over at The Fwoosh got the chance to reveal a bunch of upcoming Ninja Turtles figures from NECA on their YouTube Channel today.

Let's take a look at what was revealed, shall we?

First up, there will be the Rock Soldier Infantryman and Krooked Ninja Turtle Goon 2-Pack. This will be available in Target stores around the Spring, but you can pre-order it on NECA's website on 2/22 starting at 8AM Pacific 11AM Eastern.

Also up for pre-order on the 22nd is a second 2-Pack, this time it will be the leader of the Krooked Turtles: Smash who comes with the unofficial "5th Turtle" Zach.

Saving the best of the 'Toon related Turtle figures for last, we get a these great pictures of Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo. I've loved Usagi an his comics almost as long as I've loved the Turtles comics, so this is a very special figure for me. He'll come with various display options, so I might have to get two of him for his different looks (one will be the accompanying straw hat, which isn't show).

Usagi will go up for pre-order on the 8th of March on NECA's website, right after the two week pre-order window for the other two sets closes. Joining him on the 8th will also be the previously seen Neutrinos 3-Pack.

He'll also be hitting Targets as an "Ultimate" figure around Spring/Summer.

From IDW's iteration of the Turtles, we get many more photos of _________ from The Last Ronin graphic novel. (That's right, I'm not going to spoil who "The Last Ronin"-- aka the last Turtle-- is. You'll have to read the comic!) He's looking damn gnarly, as he should. This, and all the following Turtles figures will be "specialty shop" exclusives, which means any store near you that carries NECA can carry these figures.

In the Mirage Comics series, in addition to the Renet figure that was revealed yesterday, we also got a better look at the Turtles friend, the Fugitoid. He'll have bendie arms (with hopefully non-flaking paint) and accessories for both himself and the Turtles to use.

Another figure joining the Mirage Comics line is the inspiration for Krang from the cartoon series: the Utroms. These guys appeared early in the original comic series (along with the Triceritons, which we'll also hopefully see soon). 

The final Mirage Comic figure is one we only got a tease for, but it's great that he'll be joining the line this year-- Casey Jones. He'll come with two head sculpts, one with his mask on, and one with it off.

For you younger TMNT comic fans, NECA has announced that they will now also be making figures from the Archie comics series. For this new line, we got a look at four new figures, and they're some heavy hitters.

First up is Slash, who looks much more like his action figure than the 'Toon version. 

Another character who looked nothing in the cartoon series as he did in the toy line is fan favorite Ray Fillet. While Super7 is the one handling recreations of the original Playmates figures, NECA is coming pretty close with this Archie version of Ray.

The final reveal for the Archie line is what I assume will be a 2-pack featuring Jagwar and Dreadmon who only ever appeared in the Archie Comics and were part of the "Mighty Mutanimals".

 That wraps up the TMTN reveals for cyber Toy Fair 2022!

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