Saturday, February 19, 2022


Now this is my Ninja Turtles!

I'm so happy that NECA is bringing back the series that they started their Ninja Turtles line with-- the comic book series!

I have treasured my Eastman and Laid original Turtles figures from NECA for years. Plus, my introduction to TMNT came in 1984 with the release of the original Mirage Studios comic series-- which is much different than any other iteration of the Turtles that many of you may be familiar and grew up with.

The Turtles, while a goofy concept at it's core, actually started in the vein of Frank Miller's Daredevil and Dark Knight. It was dark and edgy. The Turtles weren't afraid to spill blood (which they were often covered in) and even curse in battle. It was the next level of what comics were becoming at the time. 

When the original cartoon series was released, I hated it. Who were these idiotic, pizza loving morons?! These aren't my Turtles! And they sure as hell weren't Eastman and Laird's Turtles! But, the I guess I eventually opened up enough for this version of the Turtles to grow on me, and I collected all of Playmate's figures. 

Now I think there's room for all kinds of Turtles to exist. And if it weren't for all the various cartoons over the years, figures for the Turtles wouldn't even exist at all.

Here we get out first look at the second new figure (the first was Fugitoid, seen on NECA's 2021 Visual Checklist) in NECA's TMNT Comic Book line-- Renet

Renet was a time traveler trying to stop a villain named Savanti Romero from stealing the Time Scepter with the help of the Turtles. I'm not sure why NECA went with a red costume instead of her original blue as seen on the cover of her debut issue (seen below).

This figure was a bit of a surprise as she wasn't an obvious choice, so I can't wait to see what else NECA has planned for this line.

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