Tuesday, January 25, 2022



 Is there any word more dreaded as a toy collector than "exclusive"? 

Getting Target and Walmart exclusives is always a nightmare, no matter how you cut it. If you're lucky, you can grab it during the pre-order window and pray that it doesn't get canceled on you before it ships out.

Or, that the "bots" don't get them all.

So, we all need as much luck as possible if we want to add this new TVC Boba Fett to our collections.

This version of Fett represents his appearance in The Mandalorian (aka on Morak). 

He's set to go live on Target's website at 1PM eastern time today. If this was any other place, I'd give it a try and be there to pre-order him, but, for some stupid reason, Target hits my credit card every month for items that I have on pre-order with them. I then have to wait two weeks for the charge to drop off. Meanwhile, that money is tied up. (I hope those Tiger Force and Python Patrol GI Joes ship soon!)

Boba will sell for $26.49 and isn't set to ship until the Fall of this year, so expect your card to be hit for the next 8-10 months, every month, in 2022.

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